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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

we had a female there with a cub and
she did quite a lot of pouncing about,

50, maybe 80 metres away,
just a nice sort of distance

And you know what she did
when she was finished?

She was so relaxed that she sat down
and gathered the cub into her

and suckled her head
on to the camera

l tell you, the weight
off your mind

when you get something
like that is incredible

Sixty percent of our planet is covered
by ocean more than a mile deep

The Deep is by far the largest
of all the ocean habitats

and yet it's the least known

You need the very latest technology
to explore this last frontier

As you descend the light diminishes
and pressures increase to dangerous levels

Within a thousand metres it is a
hundred times that on the surface

and only a handful of submersibles
world-wide can dive any deeper

You're flying around in this very
small ball of air, glass bubble,

zooming around and it's just a wonderful
feeling to think that

the chances are excellent that
no-one else has ever seen anything

you're looking at
on that entire dive

We joined the Johnson
Sea Link submersible

from the Harbour Branch
Oceanographic lnstitute,

to film a completely
new community of animals

that was only discovered
in the nineties

This brine lake is surrounded
by thousands of mussels

and there are extensive
fields of tube worms nearby,

all existing without
the sun's energy

Filming was a real challenge

Every single thing you do is done remotely
and you barely twist this knob

and jump the iris jerks
and you know when you see

that kind of stuff,
it's frustrating

Beautiful close-up images of tubeworms
revealed for the very first time

These worms live
a thousand metres down,

but we wanted to dive
a lot deeper than that

and had to use a far
stronger submersible

This is Alvin, operated by the
Woods Hole Oceanographic lnstitute

lt's a reinforced titanium tank
with tiny windows,

which allows it to dive as deep
as three miles

We joined Alvin on a number
of different expeditions

This time we were diving over a mile
down into the San Diego trench,

about forty miles off the
Californian coast

...scrubbers scrubbing ...
tracking us on 1 2.5...

Crammed into the tiny sphere just
two metres wide was the pilot,

chief scientist Craig Smith...
and once again our cameraman, Mike Degruy

500 meters, five zero zero

Craig was keen to return
to a particular location

that he's visited on a previous
expedition eighteen months before

l hear a sonar target toward
the East at 60 metres

The sonar found its target - the
skeleton of a forty tonne Gray whale

After a year and a half on the seabed
this was all that was left

- but we first filmed it as a fresh
carcass after just six weeks on the bottom

Originally, the dead whale had washed
up on the coast of California

With Craig's advice we had paid
a local fisherman to drag it out

to the San Diego trench,
where it was to be sunk

Easier said than done

We put five thousand pounds
of weight on it

and it was still sticking
about halfway out of the water

We stabbed it full of holes
with cleansing knives

and a big spear that the first
engineer made from the ship

We also shot it full of holes
with a 45 automatic pistol,

the gas coming out of it when you
cut holes in it was really horrible

But the hard work
proved worthwhile

The carcass attracted an extraordinary
variety of deep sea scavengers

OK. Oh gee...
Oh my goodness


diving [ˈdaɪvɪŋ] n. 跳水,潜水 adj. 跳水的,潜水的 v. 跳水(dive的现在分词);潜水 { :5121}

dive [daɪv] n. 潜水;跳水;俯冲;扑 vi. 潜水;跳水;俯冲;急剧下降 n. (Dive)人名;(法)迪夫 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :5121}

stabbed [stæbd] v. 刺伤(stab的过去式和过去分词);刺穿 { :5408}

trench [trentʃ] n. 沟,沟渠;战壕;堑壕 vt. 掘沟 vi. 挖战壕;侵害 n. (Trench)人名;(英、西)特伦奇 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5674}

jerks [d'ʒɜ:ks] n. 急促而猛烈的动作;傻瓜(jerk的复数) v. 猛拉;突然说出(jerk的三单形式) { :5703}

skeleton [ˈskelɪtn] n. 骨架,骨骼;纲要;骨瘦如柴的人 adj. 骨骼的;骨瘦如柴的;概略的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5954}

gee [dʒi:] n. 马;字母G;一千美元(美俚) n. (Gee)人名;(英)吉 v. 向右转 int. 向右!前进!快!(驾驭马牛等的吆喝声) { :7210}

iris [ˈaɪrɪs] n. [解剖] 虹膜;鸢尾属植物 adj. 鸢尾属植物的 { :7368}

crammed [kræmd] v. 填入;把…塞满;贪婪地吃;临时抱佛脚地死记硬背(cram的过去式) adj. 挤满的;塞满的 { :7380}

scrubbing [skrʌblɪŋ] n. [核] 洗涤 v. 用力擦洗(scrub的现在分词) { :7546}

knob [nɒb] n. 把手;瘤;球形突出物 vi. 鼓起 vt. 使有球形突出物 n. (Knob)人名;(匈、捷)克诺布 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts :7863}

spear [spɪə(r)] n. 矛,枪 vt. 用矛刺 n. (Spear)人名;(英)斯皮尔 {gk cet4 cet6 ky gre :8310}

zooming ['zu:mɪŋ] adj. 快速上升的 v. (飞机、汽车等)急速移动( zoom的过去分词 ); (价格、费用等)急升,猛涨 { :8608}

carcass [ˈkɑ:kəs] n. (人或动物的)尸体;残骸;(除脏去头备食用的)畜体 {toefl :9410}

remotely [rɪˈməʊtli] adv. 遥远地;偏僻地;(程度)极微地,极轻地 { :9579}

cleansing ['klenzɪŋ] n. 净化;洗清 adj. 清净的,有去污作用的 v. 清洗;使…纯洁(cleanse的ing形式) { :9672}

cub [kʌb] n. 幼兽;不懂规矩的年轻人 vi. 生育幼兽 {gre :10029}

diego [di'eɪɡo] n. 迭戈(男子名) { :10658}

mussels ['mʌslz] n. [无脊椎] 贻贝(mussel的复数);[水产] 淡菜;双壳类 { :10822}

cameraman [ˈkæmrəmæn] n. 摄影师;照相师;摄影记者 { :10976}

titanium [tɪˈteɪniəm] n. [化学] 钛(金属元素) { :11235}

Californian [.kæli'fɒ:njәn] n. 加利福尼亚州人 adj. 加州的;加利福尼亚的 { :11488}

pouncing ['paʊnsɪŋ] v. 突然袭击( pounce的现在分词 ); 猛扑; 一眼看出; 抓住机会(进行抨击) { :11739}

sonar [ˈsəʊnɑ:(r)] n. 声纳;声波定位仪(等于asdic) n. (Sonar)人名;(土)索纳尔 { :14879}

scavengers ['skævɪn(d)ʒə] n. 食腐动物;清道夫;[助剂] 清除剂;拾荒者 { :15319}

brine [braɪn] n. 卤水;盐水;海水 n. (Brine)人名;(阿拉伯)布里内;(英)布赖恩 vt. 用浓盐水处理(或浸泡) { :16183}

submersible [səbˈmɜ:səbl] adj. 能潜水的;能沉入水中的 { :20782}

submersibles [ ] (submersible 的复数) a. 能沉入水中的, 能潜水的 { :20782}

scrubbers [ˈskrʌbəz] n. 洗刷者( scrubber的名词复数 ); (英国俚语)妓女,邋遢的女人 { :20810}

suckled [ˈsʌkld] v. 给…喂奶( suckle的过去式和过去分词 ) { :21460}

seabed [ˈsi:bed] n. 海底;海床 {toefl :23196}

oceanographic [əʊʃɪənəʊ'græfɪk] adj. 海洋学的;有关海洋学的(等于oceanographical) { :23308}

alvin [ˈælvin] n. 阿尔文(男子名);艾文(美国得克萨斯州一城市名) n. (Alvin)人名;(俄、葡、瑞典)阿尔温;(英)阿尔文 { :24898}

metres [ˈmi:təz] n. 米( metre的名词复数 ); (诗的)格律; 用于竞赛名称 metres { :2099}

lnstitute [ ] [网络] 研究所

tubeworms [ ] (tubeworm 的第三人称 -s形式) n. 多毛虫

a cub [ ] [网络] 一只小狮子

automatic pistol [ˌɔ:təˈmætik ˈpistl] [网络] 半自动手枪;半自动手木仓

brine lake [ ] 盐湖

cram into [ ] [网络] 填满;勉强塞入;把……塞进

glass bubble [ ] [网络] 玻璃气泡

gray whale [ɡrei hweil] [网络] 灰鲸;西部灰鲸;灰鲸类

Last Frontier [ ] [网络] 最后处女地;最后的领土;最后边疆

my goodness [ ] [网络] 我的天哪;天啊;我的天啊

oh my goodness [ ] [网络] 我的天啊;哎我的善良图片;噢哎呀

San Diego [,sændi(:)'ei^әu] n. 圣地亚哥(或译圣迭戈,圣地牙哥) [网络] 圣迭哥;加州圣迭戈;美国圣地亚哥

sonar target [ ] 声纳目标

the seabed ['si:bed] n. 海底;海床

tube worm [ ] 管虫

zero zero [ˈziərəu ˈziərəu] 零

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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